Last Update Ad Engage JSON Code and Postback Code 7.09.20

A really quick note and take away...
JSON Code only works on Click to Messenger Ads
Postback Code works on both Click to Messenger Ads and 
Sponsered Messaging

Postback Code is only available with BotMaps and not our Legacy Bot Builder which will be sunset in the coming months.


Along with the new Bot Maps and a Change on where FB™ allows you to add JSON for Send to Messenger Ads.

Please be sure to Ad this step in your bots so you can receive new subscribers in your account.

Then Watch this Video Below.

Then if you have any more questions about how adding subscribers, tags, sequences, and more be sure to watch this video tutorial.

Postback Code

Watch this video to learn how to make you Bot, Your Postback code, and the Ad itself...

The first thing you are going to want to do is to click the Ad Engage tab in SegMate navigation.

Next name your Postback or JSON and Choose Postback or JSON.

Then Choose Your Bot

Then Grab your code here

Place Code in your Messenger Destination Ad in Facebook™ ads manager


Learn more here: